South Shore Community Center_May to August 1969SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER 6 Book Page Res.#12733 adopted, authorizing purchase of Lot 9, Blk.73, OB#3, for $60,000, plus fee to S. Z. Bennett, $1,200. Bennett to furnish Council & City Mgr. status report on acquisition of other properties. 5/21/69 54 428 Res.#12735 adopted, authorizing purchase of Lot 10, Blk.73, OB#3, 611 Jefferson Avenue, from Salvadore Esquenazi & wife ($49,500) and fee of $990. to S. Z. Bennett. 6/4/69 54 452 Res.#12736 adopted, authorizing City Atty. to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire Lots 6 & 11, Blk.73, OB#3. 6/4/69 54 452 Bennett directed to continue negotiations SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER 7 Book Page on Lots 6 & 11, Blk.73,0B3,till property is acquired. Toal advised that Little HUD will give us their relocation services. City Mgr. requested to contact architect to start construction quickly. 6/4/69 54 452 Telegram from HUD presented that $294,062 Federal grant was approved for So.Sh.Com.Center Neighborhood Facility (Phase II).City Atty. to consult with City Mgr. & Toal re. expediting all phases of construction. 6/18/69 55 1 SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER Construction contract authorized (between CMB and USA under HUD) RES. 12791. Condemnation proceedings/ authorized to acquire L.10, Blk 73, Ocean Beach Addn. #3. RES. 12792 Status report, model of structure presented by architect. 8 Meeting date 7-16-69 7-16-69 8-20-69