South Shore Community Center_July 1970 to July 1971SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER Max Serchuk appearance; discussion deferred to 7-15-70, RES.13060 Construction contract//to Avant Con- struction Co., $608,000; issuance autho- rized of $2505000 bonds to defray costs, approved 4-23 election. RES.13069, bond validation proceedings, provision in '70-'71 budget, etc. Payment approved of $1,945.71 to Lapidus for fee re revisions of specs. Discussion re fees re revisions of plans. 12 Meeting date 7-1-70 7-15-70 8-19-70 SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER Architectural fees: deferred to 12-2; rep. not present. 13 Meeting date deferred. Authorized additional payment to Lapidus for addtnl work:$1584.19, and for addtnl observatn and inspectn services to $4900.00 (Memo 2898). Abraham Marcus appearance: requested monument at center - agenda of 1-20. ....reappearance; appearance by HarryLevy, who was invited to parti- cipate in meeting with organizatns and City Mgr re financing monument. SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER Hot lunches: RES.13249, cooperating with Dade Co.Senior Center program; City Mgr to advise Metro, etc. City Mgr td indicate location of facilities on plan or "on-site" (Goodman). Motion (Mayor) FAILED, to re- store 6th St. facility. (after this date see HOT LUNCH PROGRAM) Construction contract: with Avant Con- struction: Change Orders increasing con- tract. 11-25-70 12-2-70 1-6-71 1-6-71 1-20-71 14 Meeting date 4-7-71 7-7-71