South Shore Community Center_December 1973 to March 1975SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER, 18 Meeting Date Administration instructed to submit up-to-date status report on completion of So.Shore Comm. Center; to meet with all interested parties; and to expedite completion of So. Shore Center. 12/12/73 Mr. Arnold Leon commented on necessary repairs at South Shore Comm. Ctr. and the need for City library to be open on Sunday. He was requested to contact Administration. 1/1.674 In response to Councilman Sahl's inquiry, City Mgr. Spence advised that approval for contract with architect for updating and reworking plans for multi-purpose room at So. Shore Comm. Center, will be on 4/17/74 agenda and it is expected that SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER 19 Meeting Date bids will be taken by July 20,1974;;that on Center in No. Shore Park, bids are presently being developed and it is expected construc- tion will commence by June 4, 1974. 4/3/74 Memo 4518 -Negotiation of contract with Morris Lapidus Assoc. for architectural services for construction of addition to So. Shore Community Center not reached. Deferred to May 1, 1974. 4/17/74 Res. 74-14365 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Morris Lapidus Assoc. for architectural services for construction of the addition to the So.Shore Comm. Center. 5/1/74 SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER Memo #4810, construction of South Shore Community Center Multi -Purpose Room, PB -82, Bid No. 129-74, awarded Tom Murphy Const. Co., Inc., quoting $156,765.00. 20 Date 11/6/74 Former Councilman Jerome G. Greene appeared 1/8/75 and suggested that the Council consider naming the Sixth Street Community Center after the late Rosie Weiss as a tribute to her memory. Authorizing execution of amendment to agree- ment with architect Morris Lapidus & Assoc, for services in connection with S. Shore Com- munity Center additons. Res. #75-14668 adopted. 3/19/75