South Shore Hospital_February 1962 to February 1963. Sb Ncspdc. t SOUTH SHORE. HOSPITAL Permit granted Dr.Pinks for operation of pvt. hospital at 700 Alton Rd.(BB Dist.) (formerly used for hospital purposes). Councilman Richard's opinion: other hospitals should be consulted. SEE CARDIA Dr.David Pinks requests zoning Ord. amendmt limiting bldg.height so.of Linc. Rd, in order to erect 14 -story hospital bldg.at 630 Alton. RES.11092 calling hearing 11-20-63. -1- Meeting date 2-21-62 10-16-63 SOUTH SHORE HOSPITAL lA Permit granted Geriatrics Services Complex Foundation (represented by Attorney Ben Cohen for construction of hospital on Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, Block 2, Fleetwood Sub. for Senior Citizens (Alton Road) 2-20-63 45 339