Special Taxing District_February 1979 to May 1980SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 1 Date Memo #7332, hearing held and concluded, Res. 2/7/79 #79-15827 adopted, approving creation of a Special Taxing District on Palm and Hibiscus Islands, in accordance with Chapter XVIII of the Metropolitan Charter and 18-2 of the Dade Co. Code, to permit contracting for 24 -hr. Special Guard Protection, at the entrance of the District, subject to approval of property owners of Palm and Hibiscus Islands in an election to be conducted by Metro Dade Co. and further subject to approval of Dade Co. Commission, (called on 1/17/79). (See Palm Island, Metro Dade Co.) SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 2 Date Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and requested to 5/7/80 be heard re: "on behalf of home owners and residents, to consider petition and resolu- tions creating a Special Tax District for Palm -Hibiscus Islands, as in violation of Dade Co. Charter and Dade Code". Mayor Meyerson ruled that the Chair would uphold City Mgr's recommendation - do not hear. Mr. Strell should address his concern to the Metropolitan Dade County Government. Mrs. Falk's motion to overrule the ruling of the Chair, failed. (See Palm Island)