Special taxing District_September 1980 to April 1981SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT 3
Res. 80-16390 adopted, advising the County Commis-
sion of the City's desire not to be included in a
Fire and Rescue Service District as established by
County Ord. No. 80-86. (Memo 8453 - Add-on) 9/24/80
Memo 8671, Res. 80-16502 adopted, approving crea- 12/17/30
tion of Spec. Taxing Dist. for Star Is. to provide
24 -hr. guard serv., subj. to compliance w/applic-
able Metro. Charter requirements. C. Mgr. to for-
ward res. to Metro Dade Co. so their process can
commence. [see STAR ISLAND (AND BRIDGE)]
Memo 8960, res. approving creation of Special 4/15/81
Taxing Dist. for Bisc. Point Subdivision to
provide 24 -hr. guard sere., subj. to compliance