State Road Commission_March 1965 to JUne 1967STATE ROAD COMMISSION 15
Book Page
Res. #11392 adopted urging County
Commissioners to present to State Road
Dept. a request to include funds in its
1965-66 Budget for certain primary roads
in M.B. 3-17-65 48 401
Res. #11393 adopted urging County
Commissioners to present to State Road
Dept. a request to include funds in its
1965-66 Budget for 7 secondary roads in
M.B. 3-17-65 48 402
Mr. Shepard explains terms of agreements
with State Road Dept. re. relocation of
city utilities and private
in connection with relocation of utilities
in Norm. Isle Highway Improvements. Res.
#11516 adopted authorizing execution of
utilities agreement with State Road Dept.
5-5-65 49 74
Res. #11520 adopted authorizing execution
of rights of way and easements agreement
between the City and State Road Dept. in
connection with designation of 71st St. and
Normandy Dr. as State roads.
5-19-65 49 84
utility compa ies
Book Page
Book Page
Res. #11803 requesting designation of
Arthur Godfrey Rd. a Primary State Road.
4-8-66 50 216
Action deferred on resolution authorizing
execution of agreement re. relocation of
City utilities on Dade Blvd. 5-17-67 52 17
Res. #12125 setting forth to State Road Dept.
needs and programs of Miami Beach which must
have consideration within next five years.
5-17-67 52 28
Res. #12137 authorizing execution of
Utilities Agreement with State Road Dept.
re. Improvement of Dade Blvd. 6-7-67 52 55