Storm Sewers_April 1936 to May 1939STORM SEWERS 3. Book Page ids received on 14th St.Storm Sewer -referred to City Engr. 4+/8/36 14 37+ - _Contracts ._let to following on 14th St. Storm Sewer-W.S.Pickey(pipe), T.E. -Schilling-Co. (Cement) Maule---flus Rock (Rock.__and Sand).. 419/.3 14 380 *1000.00 appropriated for storm__sewer repairs under Penn. and Drexel Ave. 4/15/36 14 394 *502.15 appropriated for installing -_10 drain in 17th St. from Alton to West Avenue 10-7-36 15 166 STORM SEWERS Book Page Appropriation of 1OM made for 16th St.Storm Sewer extension to Penn. Ave. authorized 5-12-37 16 219 Storm Sewer Contract 34 -SR awarded to W.T.Price Dredging Corp. -$23,973.70 5-20-37 16 238 Bids received for furnishing pipe, cement and aggregate on 34th,41st,47th, and 52nd Street Storm Sewer 4-6-38 17 83 Above project contacts: Pipe -y W.S.Dickey ulay Mfg.Co.4-8-38 17 103 Aggregate -iA lgei to i es. n 17 10 4 STORM SEWERS Appropriations made for Storm Sewer projects in north end of City 4-20-38 Storm Sewer drain authorized to be constructed in 46th St. from Mich. Ave..to Biscayne Waterway 8--17-38 and appro. made for same *400.00 appropriated for Rivo Alto Storm Sewer Drain 9-27-38 17 293 Storm Sewer project authorized and appropriations made 5/4/39 1871 5 Book Page 17 128 -lr 255