Storm Sewers_June 1947 to October 1948STORM SEWERS Council authorizes con- struction of storm sewer in Pine Tree Drive Contract for Michigan Ave. storm sewer awarded to Saunders & Justice Contract for 50 -SR let to Joe Reinertson $5,500.00 appropriated for Lincoln Road storm sewer STORM SEWERS $2,800 appropriated for sewer on Hibiscus Island Storm sewer in Nautilus Add'n. authorized Contract for SRN -94 awarded to H. H. Stringfellow 10/1/47 Council approves 3 storm sewer projects - Belle Isle, 43rd Street and 62nd St. 10/15/47 North Meridian Ave. storm sewer contract awarded to Joe Reinertson 6/18/47 7/2/47 8/6/47 8/6/47 15 Book Page 25 232 25 247 25 322 25 322 16 Book Page 364 411 25 411 25 430 26 14 9/3/47 25 10/1/47 25 12/4/47 STORM SEWERS Contract 53 -SR (Alton Road Storm Sewers) awarded to Higgins, Inc. Council authorizes storm sewer connection on Hibiscus Island Council authorizes replacement of storm in Block 1, Isle of Normandy Contract for Lincoln storm sewers awarcdec D. M. Papy 17. Book Page 4/21/48 26 316 8/4/48 27 6 sewer 8/18/48 Lane -10/20/48 27 47 27 160