Street-Additional_April 1974 to January 1975STREET - (Additional) 3
Meeting Date
electorate on 11/7/73 not reached. Deferred
to May 1, 1974.
Memo 4545 -Appropriation in amount $140,000
for reconstruction of 15th Street from Bay Rd.
Meridian Ave. HN -391 approved. Appropriate
from March 14, 1972 bond issue.
Memo 4519- Request to proceed with acquisition
of land, rights-of-way and construction of a
public street to be an extension of 16th St. bet
Washington & Collins Aves. as approved by
electorate on 11/7/73 not reached. Deferred
to May 15, 1974.
STREET - (Additional) 4
Memo 4519 Request to proceed with acquisition of
land, rights of ways & construction of public
street to be an extension of 16 Wash.
&Collins Aves. as approved by electorate 11/7/73
deferred at request of City Mgr for cost evaluation
by administration pursuant to Council's policy. 5/15/74
Discussion of acquisition of land, rights -of- 12/11/74
way and the construction of Public Street to S, S% (#'�
be an extension of 16th St. between Washington
Ave., & Collins Ave., as approved by electorate
on 11/7/73.
City Mgr. authorized to proceed and submit names
of appraiser to Council for appraisal of property.
A motion to approve the sale of Series 4,
General obligation bonds ($650,000)for the
extension of 16th Street from Washington
Avenue to Collins Ave. failed of passage
City Mgr. advised that extension had been 12-18-74
recommended and he would furnish Council with
additional information and re=present on 1/8/75
Discussion held, re. extension of 16th St.
Ownersaffected property (Anchor Hotel
appeared) Action deferred indefinitely 1-8-75