Street Lighting, HHFA Project APW Fla 86G_November 1963 to August 1967STREET LIGHTING, HHFA PrOJECT APW FLA 86G /g. FACILITIES Book Page Res. 411105 accepting Grant Offer from HHFA for APW-FLA-86G , STreet Lighting 11-20-63 46 293 Res. 411106 setting up funds as separate account in City National Bank of M. B. for HHFA Project APW-FLA 86G. 11-20=63 46 294 1Res. *i1150 authorizing award of contract with Zurwelle-Whittaker, Inc. for engineering services - installation of street lighting facilities in area north of 54th Street. 2-5-64 46 418 STREET LIGHTING FACILITIES HHFA PROJECT APW FLA 86G /9. Book Page Bid received for contract APW-FLA-86G; rejected and readvertisement authorized 445 & for new bids. 3-4-64 46 452 Bid opened for APW-FLA-86G Project. City Mgr. presents recommendation of City Engineer. Res. 411212 adopted rejecting bid and withdrawing request for federal funds. 5-6-64 47 20 &30 STREET LIGHTING ZD Book Page Administration requested to explore possibility as requested by Councilman Malek of improving street lighting, etc. on West Ave. 1-18-67 51 350 Report of street lighting study 2-8-67 51 376 Councilman Malek requested City Mgr. to prepare current report re. lighting on Espanola Way. 6-7-67 52 67 Funds in amount of $35,440 authorized from contingency fund for improving existing lighting throughout City. 8-9-67 52 187