Street Lighting_February to May 1968STREET LIGHTING City Attorney to prepare amendment providing that all property owners abutting alleyway to maintain a light on the alley side of building from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. for consideration by Council on 3/6/68. 2-21-68 Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings amending code to require all property owners abutting an alley to maintain a light on the alley side from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. 3rd & final reading of ordinance 4/3/68. Before final reading, ordinance to be amended that owner must be required to illuminate rear approach 21. BOOK PAGE 53 9 STREET LIGHTING to building facing alley. City Manager to obtain copy of similar ordinance to this type of request was enacted by City of New York. 3-6-68 53 51 22 BOOK PAGE Hearing conducted re. adoption of ordinance requiring all property owners abutting an alley to maintain a light on alley side; 3rd and final reading deferred to 4/17/68. City Manager to meet with representatives of Apartment House Association, Public Works Dept. & Florida Power & Light Co. and submit recommendations as to desirable lighting standards, etc. 4-17-68 53 94 STREET LIGHTING BOOK PAGE Fla. Power & Light Co. authorized to install a pilot lighting program in 5 alleys under direction of Public Works Director, at expense of FPL. At end of trial period, Council to determine feasi- bility of continuing program. 3rd & final reading of ordinance requiring property owners to maintain lighting on alley side deferred for future con- sideration. 4-17-68 53 118 Council apprised of locations of alleys to be additionally lighted as experiment in conjunction with previously proposed over-all alley lighting. City Manager to furnish status report 7/3/68. 5-15-68 53 205