Street Lighting_October 1968 to June 1971STREET LIGHTING Survey to be conducted in cooperation with Florida Power & Light for overall implementation of alley lighting program & submit recommendations at next regular meeting as to costs, etc. M. B. Manager for FP&L to explore idea of City using power company's poles for placement of light. 7-17-68 53 319 Program to install lights in about 168 alleys in South Shore area approved & funds to provide for same approved --about $16,600. 10-9-68 53 501 Re. streetlighting improvement from Pine Tree Drive to LaGorce Drive on the cross streets, 24 BOOK PAGE STREETLIGHTING 25 BOOK PAGE Moe Hyman to contact Mr. Greene of Metro as matter may be covered by Metro arterial lighting system, as suggested by Mayor Dermer. 10-16-68 53 546 Improvement in streetlighting on north end of Beach to begin in a couple of months. 11-6-68 53 576 Bernard`Lindenfeld submitted petition of residents re. faulty lighting on 12th Street & hold-ups, etc. due to same. City Mgr. to review and report. 6/11/69 54 493 STREETLIGHTING 26 Meeting date Inadequacy reported; "crash" program urged; report re;problems to be submitted. 12th and 14th Sts. and Euclid inoperable -Pub. Wks. Dir. to handle. Report given that City and Fla. Power & Light to replace old cable. -for arterial streets (Greene) - deferred to 6-2 - not reached. ...not reached; agenda 6-23. 8-20-69 9-3-69 9-3-69 5-18-71 6-2-71