StreeLighting_June 1971 to December 1972STREETLIGHTING 27 Meeting date -for arterial streets: Pub. Works' status report deferred to 7-7 (Greene,. who also requested costs figures,etc.). 6-23-71 ....RES.13303 requesting Metro to provide funds in bond issue,and if no bond issue, in its next budget. Report of Pub.Works Dir. filed. 7-7-71 Complaints to be investigated re open- ings in base of standards; poles to be painted. 9-15-71 STREETLIGHTING 28 Meeting date -for arterial streets: Greene requested status report from City Mgr. 11-17-71 Council approved recommendation of Adminis- tration that special appropriation from Current Fund in amount of $14,000 to be re- imbursed from Renewal and Replacement Fund of Metered Parking System for streetlighting improvements in municipal parking lots. Mayro Hall requested sodium vapor lights be used. 9/6/72 Vice Mayor Goodman cited beneficial effects of Council's Workshop session re: City's street lighting situation. Workshop held 12/18 and record is filed with records of this meeting. 12/20/72 STREETLIGHTING 29 Meeting Date He submitted a communication from Fla. Power & Light re: implementation of improvements; expressed comment that possibility of filing lawsuit to force Metro to fulfill obligations should be explored and the need for meeting with County Mgr. to get them to expedite their plans for providing needed service. 12/20/72 It was expressed by Mayor Hall that the City Mgr. had been instructed to meet with the County Mgr. and to report results to Council. 12/20/72 Scheduled appearance before Metro Comm. re: request for improving City's street lighting,