StreetLighing_September 1973 to July 1976STREETLIGHTING
Bond issue approved for submission
11/6/73 for $400,000.
Meeting Date
to electorate
Meeting Date
Sts. between Washington Ave. & Ocean Drive;
15th to 25th Sts. from Collins Ave. to Ocean
Drive; 26th to 43rd Street between Indian
Creek Drive to the Ocean, including Boardwalk. 9/19/73
Res. 73-14123 adopted authorizing execution
of agreement between City of Miami Beach
and Dade County to upgrade arterial street
lighting. 9/19/73
Res. 73-14123 adopted authorizing
execution of agreement between City of
Miami Beach and Dade County to upgrade
arterial street lighting. 9/19/73
Meeting Date
Memo 4332-Streetlighting materials for illumina-
tion of law enforcement special project areas
WWN-49 awarded for $105,658.10 to Gen. Elec.,
Graybar Elec., Raybro Elec. 12/19/73
City Mgr. to review request of Mr. Joseph
Dinhofer that Co. reschedule priorities for
installation of street lights, and that
Alton Road lights be replaced before pro-
ceeding with installing new lights on
Normandy Isle. 2/5/75
Memo #5767, assorted Whiteway material for 7/7/76
new street lighting on Conv. Center Dr. in