Street Names_June 1962 to February 1965STREET NAMES 16. Book Page Petition re. change of name of Hawthorne Ave. south of 77th St. to "Bayside Lane". Ordinance to be prepared. 6-6-62 44 540 1st reading ordinance renaming portion of Hawthorne Ave. south of 77th Street "Bayside Lane" 6-20-62 44 551 3rreadingreading ordinance renaming portion of Hawthorne Ave. lying south of.77th St. "Bayside Lane" 7-5-62 45 8 Request made to rename 3rd Street in honor of former Mayor and Councilman, Marcie Liberman. Action deferred. 2-19-64 46 436 STREET NAMES 17. Book Page Action deferred on request to rename 3rd St. in honor of former Mayor and Councilman, Marcie Liberman. 3-4-64 46 465 Council approves in principle renaming 71st Street and Normandy Drive as "John F. Kennedy Causeway". 1-6-65 48 293 Discussion re. renaming certain streets "John F. Kennedy Causeway". Hearing called on Feb. 17 to consider request. 1-20-65 48 330 STREET NAMES 18. Book Page Council calls off hearing scheduled for Feb. 17 re. renaming certain streets "John F. Kennedy Causeway". Written evidence that all municipalities affected, and Metro Commission, have taken appropriate action to rename the portions of streets involved within their jurisdiction, to be submitted before further action is taken. 2-3-65 48 351 Res. #11379 adopted renaming street in front of Auditorium & Convention Hall "Jackie Gleason Drive" 2-17-65 48 367