Street Names_August 1965 to May 1974STREET NAMES 19. Hearing called for Oct. 7, 1965 Book Page to consider re -naming Fifth Street South Shore Parkway. 8-18-65 49 219 Hearing on proposal to rename 5th Street "South Shore Parkway". Action tabled until parkway becomes a reality. 10-7-65 49 307 Hearing called on request to consider changing name of Espanola Way to ;14th Way) (hearing 4/20/66) 3-2-66 50 135 Hearing to consider changing name of Espanola Way. Request denied. 4-20-66 50 250 STREET NAMES 20 BOOK PAGE Hearing called for 1/3/68, 10 a.m., re. Hal Hertz' proposal to change name of Garden Avenue to Barry Avenue in honor of Monsignor William Barry of St. Patrick's Church. 12-6-67 52 424 Hearing concluded; name change from Garden Avenue to Barry Avenue declined. Public hearing for 1/17/68, 10 a.m., re. renaming portion of W. 37 St. from N. Meridian Avenue to Altor Road to Barry Street. 1-3-68 52 475 City Attorney to prepare ordinance changing W. 37th St. between Meridian Avenue and Alton Rd. to Barry Street. 1-17-68 52 504 STREET NAMES Ord. passed on 1st and 2nd readings changing name of portion of W. 37th St. between Meridian Ave. and Alton Rd. to Barry Street. 21 BOOK PAGE 1-17-68 52 529 Ord. #1683, 3rd reading changing name of W. 37th St. between Meridian Ave., and Alton Rd. to Barry St. 2-7-68 52 529 Ord. passed on first reading amending Code to 5/15/74 rename 5th St., "Miami Beach Boulevard" recom- mendation of Citizens Advisory Bd. for Community Improvement. Hearing and second reading set for 6/19/74. Admin. to evaluate proposal for name