Street Names_May 1974 to January 1977STREET NAMES 22
(cont'd) Date
change and submit recommendation Prgperty owners
to be notified and Post Ottice officials to be
contracted re -proposed name change. 5/15/74
Ord. #74-2000 adopted, changing name of Fifth 6/19/74
St. to "Miami Beach Boulevard". (1st reading
Planning Brd. recommendation that Arthur Godfrey 9/19/74
Rd. or a similar major arterial highway be re-
named "Chuck Hall Boulevard". No action taken
on Planning Brd. recommendation.
Requests to name an appropriate street_ _after 10/16/74
the late Mayor Chuck Hall. To be placed
(cont'd) Date
on 11/6/74 agenda. 10/16/74
Mayor Rosen advised of plans for dedication of 10/16/74
Miami Beach Boulevard in conjunction with ob-
servance of Veterans' Day on Oct. 28, 1974.
Requests to name a city street after the late
Mayor Chuck Hall. (Set by Council 10/16/74).
Mayor Rosen appointed V. M. Meyerson and Coun-
cilman Weinstein as Council Commemorative Com-
mittee, for purpose of reviewing list of on-
going capital improvements projects, to be
furnished by City Mgr., and suggestions from
staff, as to how to best honor the late Mayor
Designating the street running north and south 1/5/77
between 17th St. & Dade Blvd. commonly called
Garden Center Dr, as "Convention Center Drive".
Withdrawn by City Mgr.
Ord. 1st reading- naming a certain street
"Convention Center Drive". No action taken on
proposed ord. Public Hearing called for 1/19/77,
to consider naming a certain street "Convention
Center Drive".
No action taken on proposed ord. naming a
certain street "Convention Center Drive".
Public Hearing called for 1/19/77, to con-
sider proposed ordinance.