Street Paving_July 1958 to April 1963STREET PAVING 57
Book Page
Petition for Abbott Ave. paving
and curb, gutter and sidewalks presented.
No action because less than 50% of
property owners had signed. Council
advises project to be included in next
bond issue. Mr. Lipp advises that
sidewalks could be put in at present
time if the property owners requested
them. 7-16-58 41 2
Petition filed requesting sidewalk and
highway improvements - Stillwater Dr. and
4q13dS.81.1Ar 'A mI reit. Nr. Lipp discusses
H-471 & SK -237 ordered. 3-18-59 41 441
Book Page
Action deferred on proposed improvement
of 10th Street from West Avenue to the
Bay 8-3-60 43 178
No action taken on request that 81st
Street improvements be rescinded.
9-7-60 43 208
$1,500 appropriation from Engineering Dept.
Extraordinary Repair Account 943 authorized
for resurfacing 55th St. from Pine Tree Dr.
to La Gorce Dr. 10-18-61 44 250
Book Page
Councilman Powell advises City Mgr.
that he was going to try to arrange
to have streets on Palm and Hibiscus
Islands resurfaced
10-18-61 44 250
Courtesy hearing to be held on 4/17/63
to determine whether paving of South Shore
Drive from Ray Street to North Shore Dr.
can be done at this time as an assessable
project. This was part of bond fund project
approved by freeholders in 1955 but work was
never done. Petition received requesting
that work be done now. 4-3-63 45 394