Street Paving_April 1963 to May 1967STREET PAVING 60
Book Page
Hearing conducted re. paving of
South Shore Drive from Ray Street to
North Shore Dr. City to proceed
with construction = H-413.
4-17-63 45 409
Mr. Bressler, 1441 Lincoln Rd. complains
about condition of Lincoln Road in this
area and asks City to pave street.
City Mgr. asked to contact property owners
to ascertain if they want this paving done.
1-2-64 46 372
Administration requested to explore possibility
of paving West Ave. 1-18-67 51 350
Administration to continue efforts to secure
funds from County to impr. of West. Ave.
Book Page
Res. #12075, agreeing to 50-50 cost sharing
project on 5th St. and that West Ave. project
(paving) includes curbs, gutters and side-
walks, and that West Ave. project and 5th
St. acquisition constitute a single agreement
encompassing the two projects. 3-22-67 51 445
Administration authorized to proceed with
preparation of assessable program for
paving remaining 8 blocks of alley west
of Collins Ave., bet. 73rd St. north to
City limit. 3-22-67 51 455
Execution of Joint Participation Agreement
with Metro authorized re. 5th St. and West
Ave. projects. 4-5-67 51 518
Res. #12121 -authorizing execution of agree-
ment with Metro re. paying 1/2 cost of
providing colored sidewalks, etc. in connec-
tion with improvements on 17th St. from
Alton Rd. to Collins Ave. 5-17-67 52 21
Res. #12122 -authorizing execution of agree-
ment with Metro re. paying z cost of
colored sidewalks, etc . in conjunction +n
with improvements on Dade Blvd. from Purdy-1-1
Ave. to Pine Tree Dr. 5-17-67 52 22
Status report, 5th St., West Ave. project
filed. 5-17-67
Book Page
52 31