Street Widening_August to November 1950STREET WIDENING 7 Book Page City Manager to negotiate with Dr. & Mrs. Walters as to purchase of 7i foot right-of-way on 41st St. 8-9-50 30 6 City Attorney to prepare reso- lution - for purchase of property on 71st St. at Bonita Dr. (Lots 5 & 6, Blk 2 less the east 30 feet) 8-2-50 ?9 500 Res. #7264 adopted, authorizing purchase of Lots 5 & 6, B}k 2, Normandy Beach South less the east 30 feetkfor street widening 8/16/50 30 28 STREET WIDENING 8 Book Page MR. RENSHAW reports on nego- tiations for purchase of right-of-way - 41st St. Bridge 11-1-50 30 139 Res. #7307 --zoning hearing called re. rezoning of N. 15' Lot 25, Blk 3. Flamingo Terr. Sub - 11-1-50 30 139 Mr. Renshaw recommends 10 -foot setback on Col - lines Ave. between 19th & 24th St. Zoning hearing to be called 11-1-50 30 140