Street Widening_November 1950 to January 1951STREET WIDENING 9
Book Page
Res. #7346, authorizing pur-
chase of portion of Lot 28
Block 3, Flamingo Terr Sub.
-41st St. widening purposes 11-15-50 30 191
Res. #7362, 7363, 7364, 7365,
authorizing execution of agree-
ments to purchase property in
connection with Indian Creek
Drive widening project 12-7-50 30 235-6
Res. #7376
of tot 54,
for Tndian
Book Page
authorizing purchaseportion
Blk 7, 2nd Q. F.
Creek Drive widening
12-20-50 30 261
Res. #7388,7389, 7390, authorizing
purchase of property for Dickens
Ave. widening and straightening
12-20-50 30 274-5
Res. #7393, authorizing purchase
of property for Indian Creek Dr.
Widening 12-27-50 30 287
Book Page
Res. #7400, authorizing pur-
chase of Lot 11, Block 5,
Townsite of Harding, for
Dickens Avenue widening 12-27-50 30 292
Res. #7413, authorizing pur-
chase of portion of Lot 6,
Block 1, Nor. Beach South -
Indian Cr. Dr. -71st St.
widening project 1-3-51 30 313
Res. #7414 authorizing pur-
chase of portion of Lot 3,
Blk 15, Nor. Bch. S. - In-
dian Cr. Dr. widening 1-3-51 30 313