Street Widening_February to December 1953STREET WIDENING 22
Re. proposed widening of Indian Book Page
Creek Drive from 39th to 44th St.
in connection with construction
of new bridge at 41st St. - Mr.
Lipp given authority to proceed
with negotiations with property
owners for acquisition of present
outlots, and with I. I. Board for
acquisition of land to construct
new seawall 2-4-53 33 514
Cutting street thru Block 10,
Ocean Side Sec. of Isle of Normandy
authorized 2-25-53 34 31
Book Page
Councilman Turk suggests that street
be widened along one block on Ocean
Drive south of First Street
3-20-53 34 124
Widening of approaches to 63rd Street
bridge authorized, cost $45,276.00
4-1-53 34 142
M.B. Apt Assn suggests Council purchase
right-of-way for extending 8th St. from
Alton Rd. to West Ave. Mr. Lipp to
ascertain how much right-of-way should
be procured. Bldg. Dept. requested not
to issue a bldg. permit for this
property 12-2-53 35 206
Book Page
Request that something be done about
rounding Dade Boulevard approach to
Meridian Ave. bridge referred to Mr. Lipp
12-2-53 35 222
Mr. Lipp reports on results of his study
relative to acquiring right-of-way in
privately -owned portion of 8th St.
bet. Alton Rd. and West Ave. City Atty
to prepare resolution authorizing condemn-
ation proceedings to acquire 50 feet for
extension of 8th St., and acquire property
for extension of 20 -foot alley in Blk 3,
Fleetwood Sub., so that it will meet street
12-16-53 35 236