Street Widening_February to April 1954STREET WIDENING 25 Book Page $11,942.75 appropriated to construct 8th St. from Alton Road to West Ave. from unappropriated current funds 2-17-54 35 341 City Mgr. advises that owners of Fleetwood Hotel property requested changes in agreement re. purchase by City of portions of Lots 1 and 29, Fleetwood Sub., for construction of 8th Street. Condemnation proceedings to be instituted unless owners are willing to eliminate certain provisions 3-3-54 35 357 STREET WIDENING 26 Book Page Sovereign Hotel suggests owners of Fontainebleau Hotel property dedicate 10 foot strip at southerly end for rounding curve at 44th St. Referred to City Mgr. and City Engr. 4-7-54 i7 e� Discussion re. widening Indian Creek 46/44 Dr. adjacent to Fontainebleau Hotel. Mayor Shapiro asks about 10 foot strip to widen 44th Street. Conference to be held with Ben Novack. 4-21-54 35 429 STREET WIDENING 26A Book Page Res. #8703 authorizing execution of agreement with property owners re. acquisition of 2i feet on each side of Harding Ave. bet. 75th & 87th Sts; Dickens Ave. bet. 75th & 79th Sts.; Byron Ave. bet. 81st St. and point 1001 north of 82nd Terr; Tatum Waterway Dr. bet. 79th & 81st Sts., for sidewalk and street widening purposes 4-7-54 35 416