Street Widening_May to July 1954STREET WIDENING �7 Book Page Report of City Engineer re. widening 44th Street at Fontainebleau Hotel. Appraisal of south 10 feet of Fontainebleau Hotel property authorized. City Mgr. to negotiate for its purchase. 5-5-54 35 464 Appraisal received on westerly portion of south 10 feet of Fontainebleau Hotel property. Action deferred on acquiring this property for street widening purposes. 5-19-54 35 485 STREET WIDENING 28 Book Page Report of City Engineer re. widening 44th Street at Fontainebleau Hotel (submitted to the Council at a previous meeting) to be read again before action is taken on matter 6-16-54 36 27 Report of City Engr. re. widening 44th St.at Fontainebleau Hotel read. Condemnation proceedings authorized to acquire westerly 294 feet of southerly 10 feet of Lot A, Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub. for street widening purposes 6-16-54 36 35 STREET WIDENING 29 Book Page City Mgr. presents outline of what City and Hotel Fontainebleau owners would want in an agreement in connection with widening Collins Avenue along Hotel Fon- tainebleau property. City Mgr. to contact Mr. Novack to ascertain whether or not he will be willing to have additional proviclions incorporated in the agreement 7-7-54 36 51 Action deferred on Resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire westerly portion of south 10 feet of Fontainebleau Hotel property for street widening purposes 7-7-54 36 55