Street Widening_October 1954 to June 1965STREET WIDENING 33 Book Page Res. #8812 authorizing revised agreement with Fontainebleau in connection with widening Collins Ave. along their property 10-27-514 36 290 City Mgr. advises negotiations for right-of-way on Collins from Fontainebleau to City's park property are almost completed. Asks Council to authorize negotiations to acqui'e right-of-way north of this property up to north line of Lot 30, 1st Ocean Front Sub. 2-2-55 36 1432 Res. #8852 authorizing agreement with owners of Lots 1 thru 5, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. re. widening Collins Ave. no. of Fontainebleau Hotel property5 36 1451 STREET WIDENING FOR FUTURE REFERENCE TO COLLINS AVENUE WIDENING - See"COLLINS AVENUE" 314 Res. #9260 authorizing purchase of property for widening Meridian Avenue 5-16-56 38 203 Res. #9298 correcting error in description of property being acquired for widening Meridian Avenue (Res. #9260 - 5/16/56) 8-1-56 38 334 STREET WIDENING $7,500 appropriated 20th St. from Alton (from ucf) 35 Book Page to widen s.side Road to Purdy Ave. 3-6-57 39 158 Resolution #10731 adopted, asking Metro to commence acquiring necessary right-of-way for widening 5th St. and to start construction during 1962-1963 fiscal year 4-18-62 44 468 Res. #11546 adopted requesting Dade County to obtain Federal aid in connection with widening of 5th Street 6-16-65 49 133