Submerged Land North of Di Lido Island_February to May 1944'Svboneeged LcLvj& oe 4y 6 Ck0 "T5760 (:/ SUBMERGED LANDS NORTH OF DI LIDO ISLAND 1. Book Page Placer Development Rodgers, offers to of submerged lands Di Lido Island for Council instructs to prepare option Corp. thru E. Q. sell City tract lying north of $35,000 2/16/44 22 277 City Att" y. 2/16/44 22 278 City Attorney presents option from Placer Development Corp. on tract of submerged lands 3/1/44 Res. #5721 adopted accepting3/1/44 option 22 287 22 287 SUBMERGED LANDS NORTH OF DI LIDO ISLAND 2. ook Page Mr. Renshaw advises that effort should be made to determine availability of fill in surrounding territory 5/3/44 22 321 Council asks him to make fill survey and report findings 5/3/44 22 321 Mr. Renshaw reports there is ample fill material within 1500 ft. dredging area to fill to elevation of 5 feet 5/17/44 22 331 City Attorney instructed to proceed with exercise of option on this property 5/17/44 22 332