Suits Brought By City_December 1981 to July 1982SUITS BROUGHT BY CITY 20 Date C. Att. rev. Comm. Memo 9406 & gave brief rep. 12/11/81 of circumstances prompting his request for calling of sp. mtg. regarding golf course concession contr. Seymour Wetzler, Pres. of Marion Rec. Corp. (concessionaire), advised that both his atts. were out of town & requested that Comm. defer consideration of matter until 12/14/81, to afford him opportunity to be represented by counsel. C. Att. advised that in view of arguments proffered by concessionaire's atts. during 12/10/81 hrg., based on which Judge Whitworth had delayed ruling, action being requested of Comm. would assist in expediting matter. Res. 81-16861 adopted, terminiating contr. w/Marion Rec. Corp. for Normandy Shores & Bayshore SUITS BROUGHT BY CITY 21 (Cont'd) Date Golf courses concession; directing MRC to imdtly 12/11/81 vacate premises; revoking all Occupational Licenses issued in connection therewith; making demand for payt. in amt. of arrearage due City under said contr; ratifying filing of case 81-18980; & authorizing C. Att., & Admin. to pursue all appropriate legal aves. to effectuate purpose of res. Res. 81-16862 adopted, stating that Marion Rec. Corp. failed to perform under terms of its contr., & directing C. Mgr. to serve cert. copy of res. upon Central Bank & Trust Co. & to draw $40,000 held thereby as surety upon failure of MRC to fully & faithfully perform under terms of Bid 123-78. (see GOLF COURSES, GOLF COURSE [CONTRACTS]) SUITS BROUGHT BY CITY 22 Date Mr. Bayard Strell requested scheduling of workshop 7I7/2 mtg. to discuss progress of City's litigation against Metro. Dade Co. for funding of downtown people mover portion of proposed Rap. Transit Syst. Mayor Ciment suggested that Mr. Strell meet w/C. Mgr. & C. Atty. to explain situation; C. Mgr. & C. Atty. to submit reps. & recommendations as to whether City has cause of action in matter. (see RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM, METRO. DADE COUNTY) Memo 473-82, Bid 68-82, reps. to gym fl. at Youth 7/21/82 Ctr., MP -228, awarded to Niggel Assocs., Inc. for removal of existing flooring & installation of new synthetic flooring syst.; Bid amt: $39,266, to be funded frox 3/14/72 Bond Is*ue; cons., well