Sunset Islands_December 1939 to April 1953SUNSET ISLANDS 1st installment on w n stallation on Sunset 1slara • 4 authorized 12/13/39 6 Book Page 18 416 Sunset Island Property Owners, Inc. given permit to erect guard's house on---eity'-e-right-e€-way ad joining bridge to Island No. 1 113145 22 463 Sunset_Is1. 3 & 4+ Property Owners Ass'n. asks for Ordinance prohibiting living on barge -boats -in Sunset Lake x/7/`'+7 canals 25 139 SUNSET ISLANDS Ordinance amending No. 531 given 1st & 2nd readings, prohibiting residing upon boats in Sunset Canals Protests registered to above ordinance 7 Book Page 5/7/47 25 139 5/21/47 25 172 Ordinance making it unlawful to tie to dock any boat not equipped with adequate inboard motive power is given 1st reading but not passed 5/21/47 25 172 Residing ono1boats in Sunset Lconsiaerat,ons taken under 5/21/47 25 1.72 SUNSET ISLANDS 8 Book Page Council appropriates $442.80 for planting hedge along south side of Island #4 7/21/48 26 457 Sunset Islands Ass'n protests effort on part of pickle factory to move to 20th St. industrial section 7-18-51 31 401 Retreading of streets on Sunset Islands Nos. 1, 2 and 3 authorized, cost $28,500.00 4-8-53 34 157