Sunset Islands_June 1957 to December1968SUNSET ISLANDS
Request granted Sunset Islands 43
and #4 Association to construct
guardhouse on city property at entrance
to Sunset Island ##4 at expense of
Island Assn. 6-7-57 39 375
Councilman Richard asks Mr. Lipp to look
into ordinance requiring waterfront
property on 20th St. facing Sunset Island
to be walled, and report to Council
7-16-58 41 14
Councilman Richard asks investigation of
waterfront area across from the Sunset
Islands. City Mgr. to report what can
be done to alleviate situation. 1-2-63 45 270
Book Page
Irving Cypen, attorney, set forth background of
litigation against City by Sunset Island Owners
Association re. manufacture of boats by Miami
Beach Yacht Corporation and storage of boats on
adjacent property. He said previously repair
and storage of boats was permitted in "BD"
district --present matter in litigation is whether
boats can be stored in "BB" district. Motion
that City Attorney withdraw petition for rehearing
in this litigation failed of passage --City Attorney
will continue proceedings. 12-18-68 54 74