SurfBoarding_June to November 1964SURFBOARDING 1. Book Page Mayor advises he had received complaints that people are renting surfboards at South Beach. City Mgr. to investigate. 6-17-64 47 88 SURFBOARDING 2. Book Page Fred T. Hunt, Sr. urges enactment of appropriate ordinances to govern use of surfboards. 10-7-64 47 266 Proposed amendment to Code (Sec. 25-74-1) limiting surfboarding to area South of Biscayne St. to jetties given two readings. 10-21-64 47 287 Carl T. Hoffman, representing M. B. Kennel Club requests deferment of surfboarding ordinance. Council approves. Meeting to be held. 11-4-64 47 293 Action deferred on ordinance to restrict surfing to area south of Biscayne St. to jetties. 11-18-64 47 336