Surfboarding_November 1964 to January 1965SURFBOARDING Book Page Ordinance restricting surfboarding to area south of dog track property passed on two readings. 11-18-64 47 336 Matter of proposed ordinances relating to surfboarding deferred to the next meeting. 11-25-64 47 356 Discussion re. surfboarding at south end of city. Kennel Club objects to ordinance previously passed on 2 readings limiting surfboarding to area South of Biscayne St. to jetties, which would permit surfing on their private beach. Motion to adopt this ordinance fails. 12-2-64 47 366 3. SURFBOARDING Book Page' 3rd reading ordinance restricting surfboarding activity south of M. B. Kennel Club amended before final passage to provide surfboarding also in other areas as may be designated by City Mgr. from time to time. Ord.#1534 adopted. 12-2-64 47 368 Res. #11347 adopted calling hearing to amend Zoning Ord. to permit rental of surfboards and small type powered craft as an accessory use in 100 room hotels. 12 _16 -La 47 399 Hearing conducted re. above. 1st reading given ordinance to permit above. 1-6:-65 48 299 SURFBOARDING 5. Book Page 3rd reading amendment to Zoning Ord. to provide for rental of surfboards and small type powered craft for use in Atlantic Ocean only, as accessory use to 100 rm. hotels. Ord. #1543. 1-20-65 48 329 1st reading amendment to Occupational License Ordinance providing license fee for boat or surfboard rentals 1-20-65 48 336 City Mgr. requested to report on feasibility of fees on sliding scale basis for boats and surfboard rentals. 1-20-65 48 336