SurfBoarding_February 1965 to February 1968SURFBOARDING 6. Book Page City Mgr. presents recommendation re. fees on sliding scale basis for boat and surfboard rentals at 100 rm. hotels. Action deferred. 2-3-65 48 348 3rd reading amendment to Code providing license fee for operation of boat and surf— board rentals in 100 rm. hotels as accessory use. Sliding scale of fees for these rentals and for operation of boat livery proposed. ordinance amended and given final reading. ord. *1548. 2-1.7-65 48 371 SURFBOARDING Book Page 1st and 2nd reading of ord. amending code so as to designate area as recreation surfing site on Miami Beach with exclusion of all other locations. 3-22-67 51 450 Ord. #1639 adopted re. use of surfboards and prescribing areas where permitted. 4-5-67 51 473 Request for surfing meet planned for South Beach area on 3/8/68 referred to Marine Advisory Board for recommendations at 2/21/68 meeting. 2-7-68 52 538 SURFBOARDING Request of John I. Smith to hold surfing meet on Miami Beach, 3/8/68, referred to Marine Advisory and Inspection Board for their re- commendation. 2-7-68 8 BOOK PAGE 52 554 Surfing meet in Miami Beach on 3/8/68 con- sidered and recommendation of Police Chief, Parks & Recreation Director and Administration approved by Council that request be denied. 2-21-68 53 25