Surfside Park_April 1942 to January 1948SURFSIDE PARK Council gives Mr. Renshaw power to act on offer to sell City 2 temporary struc- tures in Surfside Park 4/17/46 24 48 Res. #6051 passed, authoriz- ing execution of release on a portion of Surfside 7/3/46 Park Contract for sidewalk and paving work in park east of Collins Avenue is let to L. C. Morris 9/18/46 24 301 7. Book Page 24 160 SURFSIDE PARK 6 Book Page Estimate to Wilbert Harborn in amount of $5712.85 ordered paid on niLife 21 2gS Saving Station Estimate to Wilbert Harborn in amount of $3958.74 ordered paid 5/20/42 21 334 Final estimate to Wilbert Harborn in amount of $3,890.45 ordered paid on 40 Life Saving Station 6/3/42 21 3 $1504.00 appropriated for laying sidewalk and roadway in Surfside Park 6/3/42 21 342 SURFSIDE PARK 8 Book Page Surfside Park Parking Area development is authorized 1/15/47 24 466 (FOR FUTURE INFORMATION ON THIS PARKING AREA SEE "PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES") Edmund Perls' request to operate soft drink conces- sion in park is received 8/6/47 25 Request that Byron Ave. be paved through Surfside Park is referred to City Manager 1/21/48 26 149