Surfside, Town Of_July 1948 to July 1962SURFSIDE, TOWN OF 3 Book Page Res. #6608 adopted, authorizing agreement between City and Surfside for sewage disposal 7/7/48 26 440 Communication from Town Manager expressing appreciation for lecture given by Judge Albert H. Saperstein and Police Officer Bert Bruce, in connection with their police school 7-1-53 34 363 Res. #8624 renewing agreement with Town of Surfside for use of City's outfall for sewage d s osal, for 5 yrs., commencing 1/1/54 12-23-53 35 254 SURFSIDE, TOWN OF 4 Book Page Resolution of the Town of Surfside requesting Council to pass necessary legislation to permit permanent residents of Surfside to play on our municipal golf courses on annual fee basis, taken under advisement 11-2-55 37 425 Res. #10179 renewing agreement with Town of Surfside for use of City's outfall for sewage disposal, for 5 years, commencing August 10, 1959 8-26-59 42 267 SURFSIDE, TOWN OF 5. Book Page Res. #10217 notifying Town of Surfside re. cancellation of water contract and directing the City Mgr. to negotiate for new contract. 11-4-59 42 353 Res. #10365 authorizing agreement with Town of Surfside providing for water service to same. 8-3-60 43 169 Request that city install a new 20" water main in Surfside, from city limits to 96th St. and Collins Ave. taken under consideration. 7-18-62 45 36