Taxes_March 1930 to August 19312.
10, 428
1c .S
VMS 1.
M. B. Electric 00. (Personal) Book 4, rage 387
Floridian Hotel Lots 26 & 27, " 7, f• 2
:aquarium Site Sal).
.11 ,r 7 a4?
`g -t- - I2•\J. aat BGG 31-1 , y z y so/
6i -t7.,76,-,, / g.2G d 0-u. U �'� / - z
sy 9�
7``')I , .. (, e -e• /o air 1 /J
`7". 9? - 7 -,.cj, /9 /?.-o /o i16.
Grote comment on exemption 1-7731
Request for adjustment of taxes =-
Virginia Key 11=15-31 11, 13
Res. 2420 -Opposing Bill in Legislature to
m?.ke State & County taxes sup r r3 o
City taxes and liens__----_--
11, 26
Grot request orr equalization �6-3-31 11, 55
anceTlation of V1rjnna ey Taxes &
Tax Certificates requested 8-14--31
Webster, J.O: Letter brought before City
Council 3/16/32 (Not Recorded)
11, 120