Taxes_December 1933 to June 1936TAXES
Book Page
S.M.T atum requests right to pay de-
linquent taxes on 33-1/3% basis
12/20/33 12 214
Lenox Company go on record as paying
delinquent taxes under protest 3/14/34 12, 306
Taxes on B1k.8,Garden Subdn. exempted
commencing March 31st, 1934 4/18/34 12, 375
D.A.Stearns requests remission of taxes
on Hibiscus Island Park Tracts 5/16/34 12, 409
aerk to give notice of Tax Equalization
Board meeting 7/5/34 12, 474
Book Page
Tentative proposal of Tatum Bros.
authorized re: waivin&" of taxes
11/14/34 13 146
No action on request re Tatuip Tract
on payment of 5M with full settlement
of all City taxes to date and deed to
City of bridge over canal -City to put
in street 4/17/35 13 376
Portions of 1935 taxes charged of
on Lots 1 6o 6.irc1. Blk.M,Atlantic
Heights and Lots 6,7 and 8, B1k.114,
0.B.# 11/20/35 14 214
Book Page
Coburn Country Day School request
exemption from taxes 1/29/36 14 286
Tax Assessor calls attention to
certain errors appearing on 1935
TAX ROLL -ordered corrected 3/18/36 14 344
Request of Coburn School for tax
exemption denied 4!1/36 14 370
_1935 City taxes against properties pur-
chased by City or acquired by foreclosure
-ordered charged off 5/13136 14 435
$56.25 credit allowed on taxes for E.A.
Todd (Lot 21,B1k.2,Mid olf) 6/3/36 14 459