Taxes_August to May 1938TAXES 12. Book Page $7.50 Personal property taxes charged off 1936 Roll 8-18-37 16 231 _Real and Personal Tax items charged off 1937 Roll 11-24-37 16 Nelson Coburn urges his School prop. be exempt from taxes 12-1-37 16 4o5 Coburn Private School granted exemption on taxes 1-19-38 16 490 Evans Hotel request for tax exemption on portion of building use for religious purposes referred to City Atty.2-2-38 17 16 TAXES 13. Book Page Estate of Peninsular Terminal Co. (Mrl Humphage) ask for settlement on back and current taxes -denied 3-2-38 17 58 Portion of 1936 & 1937 taxes against Lots_ __1 and 2, Blk. 10, Normandy Beach -South- charged off -and refunded 3-16-38 17 65 $51.80 ordered charged off real estate roll for 1937 4-20-38 17____ ��9 TAXES 1937 taxes against N.15' of West 30" of Lots 9 and lO,B1k.1.0,0cean Beach charged off and no future assessments to be made -en -same 5-4-38 City to purchase County Tax Certifi- cates on Belle Isle Park Tract 5-11-38 Clerk to pay x.937 County Taxes against Lots 30 and 32,B1k.1, 2nd Ocean Front 5-11-38 17 150 --1937 City taxes against Lots 30 32, __B1k.1,2nd Ocean Front charged off 5/11/38 17,15C 14. Book Page 150_