Taxes_May 1938 to April 1939TAXES 15.
Book Page
(6) Six items charged off 1937
Real Estate Tax Roll 5-11-38 17:4 151
1937 Personal Property tax
items charged - _ 6-8--38 17 175
Funds received from Peninsula Termi-
nal Co. for payment of 1937 Taxes
and Tax Certificates 6-10-38 17 176
Preliminary figures for 1938 Real and
Personal property tax roll filed
Adjustment made on 1937 0 1 gar
17 209
assessments ainst Lot 1i. n�
Lot 12,tSk.8,Norm.Beach South t - g-38 17 209
Book Page
Adjustment in assessments authorized
for certain lots in Normandy Beach
South appearing on 1937 Tax Roll
8-17-3$ 17 252
Refund ordered made to Mrs. W.A.
Detwiler on account of over -assessment
on her lot 11/16/38 17 349
Errors on 1938 Tax Roll reported by
Tax Assessor - charged off 2-15-39 17 470
Errors on 1938 Real Estate & Personal
Tax Roll ordered charged off 3-8-39 17 5y3to
Book Page
Tax Assessor requests that 3 home-
stead exemptions be charged back
to property owners on 1937 tai
roll (referred to City_Atty. )4/5/39 18 30
Tax Assessor recommends additional
Homestead exemption be allowed for
Lot 2, 13lock 13A, Island view Subdn.
on 1938 Tax Roll 4/5/39 18 30
Tax assessor recommends charging off
of personal property tax items on
1938 Tax Roll(same charged off) 4/19/35 I8O