Taxes_May 1939 to March 1940TAXES 1938 Personal Property Ta4 items ordered charged off 5/3/39 Council agree not to charge back 1938 Homestead Exemption items 18 64 to certain property owners 18 Book Page i8 63 & 64 $2.70 1938 Tax item ordered charged off against street end 5/17/39 18 80 TAXES 19 Book Page Preliminary figures presented by Tax Assessor for 1939 Tax Roll 710/39 18 160 Hearing on Tax Valuations held 8-7-39 18 188 Assessment levied against Lear School property allowed to remain as fixed by Assessor 8-7-39 18 189 List of persons denied Homestead Exemp. for tax year 1G39 8-7-39 18 189 Complete & final tax roll figures for 1939 Tax Roll filed 8-7-39 18 190 TAXES X20 Book Page Adjustment on 1937 taxes against Lots 6 and 13,B1k.1,Harding lownsite authorized 9-22-39 18 289 -- No allowance allowed on 1937 and 1938 taxes against Lots 7 and 14, Blk.10, •--Harding-Towns-ite-(S. G.Morrew}- 9/22f 39 18- 289- 2 Tax items ordered charged off 1939 Tax-r`oll (St. ends}-____ __ 11/29/39 1939 Taxes against School property ordeed charged off 3/28/4o 19 47_-