Taxes_March to October 1940TAXES 21 Book Page Adjustments and refunds authorized for certain items on 1939 P.,_ vy al t1, t; P Tax Roll 3/28/40 19 47 Adjustments and cancellations on 1939 Personal Property tax roll ordered charged off 4/17/40 19 76 Council charges back 3 homestead exemptions on 1939 Tax Roll and al- lows 2 additional Homestead Exemp- tions on 1939 Tax Roll 5/15/40 19 121 Aaustment allowed on 1939 Personal Roll in tax against F.L.Hernandex 5/15/40 19 121 TAXES $Discrepancy on 1939 Personal_ Property tax roll charged off in the amount of $500.00 --6/5/40 19 159 Refund authorized to United-Berv. Corp. (E. R. Harwick) for adjustment on 1937 taxes paid on Lot 1,Blk. 1,Subdn.Blk.1,Beach View Addn.7/26/40 19, 211 1939 Taxes against M.B.Congregational Church property at Pine Tree Dr.& Col- lins Canal charged off 7-26-40 19-___212 22. Book Page TAXES Book Peg; No further assessments to be made against Lots 7 and 8, B1k.105,0.B.,3 owned by Rev. Patrick Barry,beginning with taxes for_1940 --------__ _----__S-5-44__-- 19 215 --Portion of 1939 Personal Properly Tax for McNally"s Food Store ordered paid 10-16-40 1940 -Homestead Exemption -Council agreed to allow same to Loretta Gittleman,Lot 7,B1k.2,Flamingo Terr. Addn. 10-30-40 19 378 361