Taxes_February to July 1941TAXES 27
Book_ Page
City Agrees to -Accept 50% settlement --on
1938 & 1939 tax sale cert. owned by
-na TIoawnIs tno oft -Lot 7,01M15,-HarkHomestead Exemption cancelled aga st-
Lots 1 & 2, Block 82 Oce Beachdd'n.
# 3 (Julius C. Conde) 2/26/4 20 -84-
Council ordered refund of 1940 taxes paid on
property east of Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton
Be-aCh North --of 15-th meet -2/26/41 --20 87
_Street ends _-owned by__irL. B - BayShore--- -.
Co. - City Atty. to invesitgate in re:
aeq-lr-ing same -3/5/41 0 88
Book Page
Cit advised to accept offer of 500.
inrull payment of all outstanding taxes and
leins against Lots 1, 2 n 8, Block 2,
Harding Townaito 3/19/41 20 113
Council refused -to-accept` offer of
Charlotte French in payment ofpersonal
riropert7 taxes 3/19/41 20 114
clerk instructed -to charge off Christian
-Science Church -property -taxes on 1940
Aoll and to see that same are exempted
hereafter 4/16/41
B. H. London asks Council to grant him
Homestead Exemption for 1940 4/23/41
20 177
20 -182
Book Page
B. H. London granted Homestead Exemption
for 1940 taxes. 5/7/41 20 199
French, Charlotte - offer of 4175. in full
settlement of personal prop. taxes re-
fused 5/7/41 20 201
Charging off of back taxes against
Lear School property referred to City
Atty. Shepard 7/2/41
Taxes against Lear School properties
for 1938 thru 1940, also 1941 Personal
Property Tax ordered gharge./of541 20 351
20 335