Taxes_April to June 1942TAXES
Inquiry from lvi. B. Bayshore to
taxes on their golf course for the
duration of war 4/1/42
Book Page
21 262
Council discuss revaluation of cer—
tain property during war period —
agree that in general same values in
assessment for 1941 taxes will be
used for 1942 taxes 4/1/42 21 262
3 readings 0rd.#647 providing for assess--
ment,coliection and sale of delinquent
City of Miami Beach Real taxes
4/15/42 21 271
Book. Page
3 readings of 0rd.#648 providing for
assessment, collection of tangible
City of Miami Beach taxes (Personal)
4/15/42 21 273
Council orders cancellation of 4 boat
assessments on 1941 Personal Property
Tax Roll 4/15/42 21 293
Real and Personal taxes against Lear
School at 1500 Collins Ave.ordered
charged off 5/7/42 21 313
Balance of taxes against Epicure
Buffett ordered charged off 5/7/42 21 313
Book Page
Personal property tax items ordered
charged off 1941 Tax Roll 5/7/42 21 313
Personal property tax against Boat
"Alone" assessed against E.E.Hunt
charged off 1941 roll 5/2.0/42 21 332
Proof of publishing delinquent 1941
Personal Property taxes 5/20/42 21 332
Lear School request exemption on their
property at 1010 West Ave. 6/3/42 21 338