Taxes_June to July 1942TAXES 41
Book Page
2 boat assessments charged off 1941
Personal Tax Roll-M.B.Show Soat and
"Flying Crane" 6/3/42 21 338
Res.#5551 extending time for review-
ing and equalizing 1942 tax assessments
6/3/42 21 338
Tax Equalization meeting held on
1942 Taxes 7/6/42 21 361 to
Nat Nussbaum,H.Kraus,Elizabeth Dukes, 363
S.E.Schwartz granted Homestead Exemp.
if recheck proves they are living in
their homes 7/6/42 21 362 & 363
Book Page
Homestead Exemption denied Chas.E.
Poor because application filed late
7/6/42 21 362
Shoremede Hotel - Homestead Exemption
denied 7/6/42 1 21 362
Teller, Jas.J. - Homestead Exemption
denied if he does not occupy property
7/6/42 21 364
Rabinowitz, S. -Council vote to deny this
Homestead Exemption 7/6/42 21 364
List of Homestead Exemptions denied by
Tax Assess✓ r for 1942 6P/42 21 365 &
C �n 1'ERSYHYRCH �/ �r TY TO Bj 366
Book Page
Craig Wood granted H.E. for 1942
7/9/42 21 380
Wilson, Philip B. - denied H.E.
exemption for failure to file appli-
cation 7/9/42 21 380
Report on Delinquent 1942 Tax Sale
filed 7/9/42 21 369
Letter from Tax Assessor Webb giving
figures for 1942 Real and Personal
Tax Rolls 7/9/42 21 370