Taxes_October to November 1943TAXES Homestead exemption allowed LILLIAN N. MOVE G & GEORGE POMERANTZ 10/6/43 Homestead ex. not allowed WM. A. A. & MARIA L. LLior r&- G. SEWARD & ELIZABETH FOSTER, who withdrew applications 10/6/43 59 BOOK PAGE 22 183 22 18V 18V Homestead ex. rejected on E. 62.26' Lot 35, lk. 15A Island V ew Add. ownedby Abe Polick 10/6/'43 22 1943 Homestead Exemptions granted: W. B. Van Sickle, G. Seward Foster, Morris Wittner, Samuel Chaikin & Paul B. Sacher 11/6/43 22 207 TAXES Outstanding 1937 personal property taxes charged off 11/3/43 Perry Stone's application for 1943 homestead exemption rejected by tie vote 11/17/43 Council charged taxes: Grace W. Rubin, boat SEA 11/17/43 Reduces personal tax against Southern Drink Dispensers 11/17/43 off 1943 personal Crigler, Charles DOG, Henley's, Inc. 6o BOOK PAGE 22 211 22 213 22 213 22 213 TAXES Council grants - homestead ex. to Mrs. Albert Wem 11/17/43 1943 personal property taxes cancelled against: Boat #18R749, #oat #1n15$ & B. Chauncey - 11/17/43 22 2111 Council levies 1943 personal property assessments on: Boat #1FSP749, Boat #18T158 - 11/17/43 22 21% Homestead exemption & widow's ex. withdrawn from Lot 17, block 6, .utilus (LaBarre) 11/17/43 22 214 BOOK Ilsomm PAGE 22 213