Taxes_December 1943 to June 1944TAXES 64 BOOK PAGE Homestead exemption granted on lots 9 & 10, block 38, Ocean Front Property 12/15/43 22 237 Homestead ex. granted Chas. Monroe 22 240 L.6, B.13, Di Lido 12/20/43 1943 taxes proratedon First Church of Christ Scientist 12/20/43 22 240 1943 personal tax charged offon boat HY-BALL 1/5/44 22 243 1943 personal tax charged off on 3141 Sheridan, Plate #6242 1/5/44 22 243 oifi slAvex charged ofi/P444 22 243 TAXES 1943 personal property tax on boat #180144 charged off 2/2/44 22 25S Personal taxes charged off on BOAT #15-M-428, DOCTORS LABORATORY & JULIUS BERNSTEIN 3/1/44 22 282 Personal taxes (1943) charged off on Fotiou Juice Stand and premises at 5120 Cherokee Ave. 3/15/44 22 299 Res. #5725 adopted authorizing unused reserves set aside for "uncollected taxes" to be used to buy city's tax certificates 3/15/44 22 300 65 Book Page TAXES 1940 personal property tax on 3090 Alton Road amounting to $20.25 charged off 3/31/44 22 305 1943 personal taxes charged off on Boat #12B649 and Madame Celle at 137 Fifth St. 4/19/44 22 313 1943 personal taxes charged off Boat #15-R-378 and S. J. Halperin at 420 Lincoln Road 5/3/44 22 320 1943 personal tax cancelled against C. E. Sheets at 108 2nd San Marino Terrace 6/7/44 22 334 66 BOOK PAGE