Taxes_February to June 1947TAXES 79
Book Page
191+6 personal tax charged
off in amount of $1.70 2/5/47 24 473
Request for tax exemption
on properties used for
church purposes are referred
to Vincent Burke 4/16/47 25 112
$73.64 in taxes charged off
on Lots 8 & 9, Block 3,
Harbor Terminal
Harry Plissner objects to
increase in 1947 tax
5/21/47 25 193
6/18/47 25 223
Council votes to send letter
to taxpayers, explaining
reasons for increase in 1947
assessments 6/18/47 25 223
Book Page
Council also votes to send
letter with tax bills, explain-
ing how tax monies are spent 6/18/47 25
Res. #6326, authorizing plac-
ing into reserve fund all
unused reserves set aside for
"uncollected taxes" in cur-
rent budget 6/18/47
25 226
Jr. Chamber of Commerce
urges Council to renounce
policy of assessing taxes
at i00% of value for 1947
Board of Equalization
Various organizations and
individuals protest 1005
Melvin Richard says 100%
assessments should be
put to vote of electors
Book Page
7/2/47 25 239
7/7/47 25 249
7/7/47 25 250-53
7/7/47 25 253