Taxes_July 1947 to February 1948TAXES Mr. Renshaw outlines cost of operating City for 1947 48 fiscal year 1947 tax roll figures are submitted by Tax Assessor 1947-48 budget adopted Millage for 1947 fixed Council instructs Mr. Renshaw to send letter to tartpayers over his signature 85 Book Page 7/12/47 25 270 7/12/47 7/12/47 7/12/47 25 25 25 271 271-276 276 7/12/47 25 277 TAXES 86 Book Page Res. #6366, asking County Tax Assessor to exempt from taxation ocean ends of 24th 25th, 26th and R7th Sts. 8/6/47 25 297 Council authorizes reduction in real taxes on Lot 6, Blk. 9, Beach View Addition 8/6/47 1941 personal property taxes Charged off in the amount of $3,774.05 10/1/47 1947 delinquent tax lists to be published in M. B. Times 2/4/48 25 26 TAXES Res. #6604 authorizing placing in Special Fund for purchase of tax sale certi- ficates all unused reserves set aside for "uncollected taxes" in the budget for the current fiscal year 7/7/48 26 Outstanding 1942 personal taxes amounting to $8,178.73 charged off 11/3/48 27 325 410 178 87 Book Page J. N. Lummus, Jr. to be asked to havedeputyto receiv M. h este exemptieh on a is o 432 176 11/17/48 27 201+