Taxes_December 1948 to November 1949TAXES
City Attorney outlines
procedure to be followed
in making adjustments in
tax rolls 12/1/48 27 229
Book Page
Adjustments in 1948 tax
rolls authorized 12/1/48 27 230
Mr. Turk suggests survey
of county tax assessments -
City Attorney's opinion
is that funds cannot be
expended for such survey 2/9/49
Book Page
Res. #6978 instructing City Mgr.
to develop plan for equalizing
1950 tax assessments and hereafter 8/3/49
Outstanding 1943 Personal
Property taxes in the amount
of $1,163.38, charged off 9/28/49 28 437
Council approves adjustment
of errors in 1949 tax rolls 11/2/49 29 24
Council approves adjustment
of errors in 1949 tax rolls 11/16/49 29 47
28 293
Book Page
#7064, authorizing placing
in Special Fund all of unused
reserves set aside for "uncollected
taxes" in budget for fiscal year
ending September 30, 1949 11/16/49 29 59
Councils approves adjustment
of errors in 1949 tax rolls 12/7/49 29 79
Council charges off certain
items -occasioned by collection
of taxes in advance at 17 mills
and subsequent increase in
millage to 18 mills 12/7/49 29 79