Taxes_December 1950 to March 1951TAXES 1951 Personal property taxes charged off as being un- collectible CN 710 Adjustments in 1950 tax rolls approved 97 Book Page 12-7-50 30 221 12-7-50 30 222 Adjustments approved 1-3-51 30 314 M. B. Times designated as medium of publication of 1950 delinquent tax lists 2-7-51 Adjustments approved 2-7-51 TAXES Couhcilman Richard objects to present method of collecting taxes and licenses Communication from E. Q. Rodgers re. tax equalization filed Taxes against Sardi's Restaurant charged off Adjustments approved Taxes paid on Lot 10, Block 5, Harding Townsit; TAXES 30 366 30 360 98 Book Page 2-7-51 30 366 2-21-51 30 377 3-6-51 30 412 3-7-51 30 434 3-19-51 30 452 99 Book Page Adjustments approved 4-4-51 30 537 Resolution #7610 opposing extension of 3% State Sales Tax on rent to include perma- nent resident tenants 5-2-51 31 113 Corrections in 1950 tax roll approved (Change Notice 730) 5-16-51 31 Personal property taxes charged off as uncollectible Change Notice 731 5-16-51 191 31 191